Warm Hearted Revelry at the Winter Bizarre

Last Sunday was the Nevada City Winter Bizarre, an event that is only two years old and yet has become one of the holiday events I most look forward to.

This time it was a bit different for me, as I had my favorite ladies to share my booth with! I was flying solo at last year's Winter Bizarre and at the more recent Summer Bizarre. Looking at this photo I realized that each of us is wearing a dress here that we modeled for the shop at one time, then decided to keep instead.

It was also different in that we got hooked up with a cozy corner spot. I am definitely going to request the same space in the future.

This is why I love this event. Not only do all my favorite Nevada City friends come out for it, but my favorite friends from nearby make the trip too! Becky & Heather (who has already posted about the event!) came from Placerville, and Kim from Oakland. It's like our unofficial bi-annual NorCal vintage loving friend meet up. Speaking of, the lovely Sadie from Lost Boys & Lovers couldn't make it this time, so I wore my tooled leather harness from her in her honor.

I finally got legit with my shit this time, with a sign by local artist Tahiti Pehrson and with business cards. (Okay, so they were stickers with my website URL handwritten on back. But very pretty stickers! I'll get legit next time). I had just scored these big abalone shell earrings a few days prior, and I love how the shimmery rainbowness of the sign is so similar to them.

The best new thing about this Bizarre was having Jen vend her beautiful handmade jewelry alongside my and Suuzi's vintage clothing. She has been collecting antique beads for decades and has amassed a collection of truly rare and valuable beauties that draw in jewelry lovers like a magnet. She is currently working on a necklace for me made with a woolly mammoth tusk bead. As a lover of elephants and mammoths, I am beside myself with the prospect of walking around with such a thing resting near my heart.

The view from our booth.

Meet Skylar and his amazing crochet blanket pants & skirts. There was not a dull moment having him next door. He even changed his outfit more in one day than Mycie and I do combined!

Jen got so many compliments on this sweet 50s style dress I thrifted this summer.

Ms. Sequined Egyptian Goddess sold in a heartbeat.

Baileys, to up the warm hearted revelry factor.

Also in attendance at the unofficial bi-annual NorCal vintage loving friend meet up were Nicole and her darling daughter Kama. I like to think that there is not a better dressed, or more confident, 11 year old girl out there. Sadly, I didn't get any photos of their Crimson & Clover cohort Kerry. It was a joy to see her there and to connect with the one person there who I've known longer than anyone else.

And Sasha! She was not vending this time, but that didn't stop her from looking like the most fabulous vintage boutique owner around.

My own little dear was there too.

As was Becky and Jordan's! Oliver is a steal for only $2, don't you think?

As heather said, we were proud to be in the dance party corner. Fun, fun times. I can't wait to do it again...


On Dresses and Opinions


The Joys of Christmas Present