The Joys of Christmas Present

First off, the Nevada City Winter Bizarre yesterday was so much fun! I am working on a post for that to be published very soon. In the meanwhile...

On Friday the kindergardeners had a sweet spiral walk at school. It's how Waldorf celebrates the season, with a candlelit, evergreen lined labrynthine walk to celebrate the Solstice and the shifting balance between light and dark. Mycie wore her special Christmasy coat again. The weather has reeeally been cooperating for fun holiday wear, as opposed to heavy raincoats and layers of grey wool. The hat, like the coat, was thrifted this last summer.

As was this li'l elfin dress! Velvet & lace, framing her sweet face like the new NEW haircut she was given in her time away from me last week. She looks so much like I did at that age now. Oh and please allow me to introduce Rose Vine, Mycie's Little One. Little One's, who are crafted to resemble each individual child and who are taken care of by that child, are an integral part of Waldorf philosophy.

I took the opportunity to wear my beloved Gunne Sax dress, which only comes out at Christmastime. I love it so much, and I love my mama for gifting it to me three years ago. More velvet & lace- after all, 'tis the season.

Here it is unencumbered by the sweater, taken a few years ago on another glorious winter day. This shot is by far my most viewed on Flickr. (I gotta do my hair like this more often...)

Walking home from school we saw these overripe, blood red hawthorne berries reaching toward the sun on bare-branched trees. As a lover of all things hawthorne tree, I couldn't help but snap a shot.

The next night we went over to Adam's brother David's house for some early family holiday time. Adam and David's mother was visiting from San Diego, and their brother Jon was up from Sacramento with his wife Jenna and their darling girls Caroline (3 years old) & Lucy (4 months). Mycie and Caroline are fantastic playmates and always have so much fun together. Especially when David & Jon hoopty-rig an entirely new kind of sleigh ride for them to enjoy.