Lampposts, Gravestones, and Ringing Bells

This being a post about the beauty of my town, I thought I'd share one of my favorite songs, Weighted Day, by local musician Casual Fog (my friend Ryan Donnelly). It was released on Grass Roots Records.

Now for a li'l tour around Nevada City, as seen through my eyes and camera lens these last few weeks...

Casper, Mycelia, & Olivine at the old St. Canice cemetery on the top of Broad St. It's one of my favorite places in town and is, like everything else in this post, a quick jaunt from our front door.


Pharoah, all aureate & autumnal.

Ever since she was just toddling about, cemeteries have been one of my favorite places to take Mycie. They are always peaceful- no hyperactive kids or weird parents to deal with like at the park. You get to spend time in nature while still being in town and hemmed in by fencing (so the kiddos can run wild). And it is a great way to get in some physical activity (at least with the Gold Rush era graveyards around here and their fancy burial mounds, added to the ever sloping foothill terrain). Climbing up and jumping down, over and over again...

Plus, it's history! But that'll come later. For her, at least.

Mycie's Waldorf charter school is housed in this 1937 building, formerly home to Nevada City Elementary School. AKA Nevada City Elementar Schoo. Check out the antique bell at the top. For 35 years it only rang on the first day of school because making it happen was such a process. Then last year a father at the school decided to use his engineering skills to make it easier, and now it rings every morning. Such historic small town charm. (To hear the bell ring, check out the video at the end of this post!).

Walking through the halls hours after school was out one day I got a peek inside the janitor's closet. Ummm... it's the most enchanted place in a very enchanting school. There are actually cleaning supplies in there, but mostly just the magic.

Nutcracker/Christmas coat, thrifted for $10.

So Mycie absolutely adores one of the NC Post Office employees, a grandfather named David. She draws him pictures (and he gives her stickers) every time we go in. And she insists that we wait for his spot to be open when we are standing in line, which means we often allow others to go before us.

David offered to take my camera and get a better shot of her drawings :-)

On this day Mycie was a magician with a cloak that granted her the power of invisibility.

She was hiding all over town.

This amazing chestnut tree sits in the front yard of the old house Adam just bought near downtown. He has a very big bowl of chestnuts in his kitchen right now.

One of the many fancy Victorians in the heart of town.

Hilltop sunset from last night.

It was raining this morning! After about a month straight of sun, it was a welcome sight (and smell!). And you know I'm gonna have to use this umbrella in a photo shoot soon, preferably on a sunnier, less weighted day...