23. The Profound Medicine of Herbal Body Oils

The simplest and most potent form of herbal medicine that I know, so easy to make yourself at home, so powerful and immediately relaxing... Herbal Body Oiling is an ancient, ancestral practice that the nervous systems of modern folk are in desperate need of.

For MUCH more check out my teacher Kami McBride's incredible online course Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils!

When we think about taking herbal medicine, we tend to picture teas, tinctures, or some other way of ingesting the medicinal benefits of the plant through the mouth. But the skin is our largest organ and is incredibly absorbent, with direct access to the nervous, lymphatic, and immune systems. By keeping the body hydrated with fat (oil) as opposed to water (like in lotion), we keep these systems nourished, running smoothly, and functioning at the highest possible level.

In this episode I talk about:

  • The simplest yet most profound form of herbal medicine

  • The healing effects of fat/oil on the nervous system

  • Carrier oils, fresh v dry plant infusions, how long to steep, etc.

  • Which fresh herb to use if you don’t have a garden & there’s nowhere to wildcraft

  • Medicinal specifics of lavender, calendula, St. John’s Wort, mugwort, and yarrow

  • Oiling for pregnancy, babies, children, and motherhood in general

  • Coming back to your self

  • Don’t get tripped up. Herbalism is your birthright. Just make an oil. Start where you are. It is enough. You are enough.

  • Scented plants = volatile oil content = antimicrobial action = longer lasting oil

  • Extending shelf life

  • Whole plant infused oils are much more medicinal than just adding essential oils to a carrier oil

  • The nervous system, being in a sympathetic dominant state (most of us are), and being an empath/Highly Sensitive Person

  • The lymphatic/immune system & breast massage

  • Self knowledge & being deeply familiar with the terrain of the only body you're ever gonna have

  • Practical tips & techniques for making herbal body oiling a part of your daily life

  • Oiling the face

  • Should you use heat and/or sunlight in herbal oil making?

  • The home remedy with the least amount of effort for maximum return


24. Plant Spirits & Deep Remembering that Speaks to the Bones - Fay Johnstone


22. You Are Magic & Fear is Never the Truth - Yaya Erin Rivera Merriman