Birth Without Fear / Death Without Fear

Cosmic Soul Family

Cosmic Soul Family

Stop whatever you are doing right now and go read through Amelia Kathryn's last few days of Instagram posts. It is the most heart-opening and profound thing I have ever seen. This beautiful soul is single-handedly molding a new template for the way we express and share grief and love (showing us that we can be- that it's okay to be-  joyful and grateful and smiling even when we are heartbroken and grieving), and I so appreciate how she's doing it via Instagram. The technology and media that we all have access to are such incredible tools of creativity, culture-making, and culture-healing. This is the future. Thank you for pioneering a new paradigm in birth and death Amelia and baby Landon.

"Before this week neither of us had ever seen birth before, and neither of us had ever seen death. These things are usually hidden and feared in our society. But Landon taught us not to be afraid of either. That's something people look their whole lives for and never find. So in a way he was our miracle. #BirthWithoutFear #DeathWithoutFear"