30 Years of Therapy in One Night: Healing From Within w/ Psychedelics

"At the deepest level, our consciousness is what we are- to the extent that we are not sovereign over our own consciousness then we cannot in any meaningful sense be sovereign over anything else either"

-Graham Hancock

This video, produced by http://www.videoigniter.com and http://www.reset.me, highlights how psychedelic medicines are saving lives worldwide. Numerous studies show these substances are non-neurotoxic, non-addictive and are having profound effects curing some of the most stubborn mental health disorders by helping people purge bottled up trauma. MDMA is curing debilitating PTSD in veterans.

Amber Lyon of Reset.me, who I first heard about on the Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast, has done the human family an enormous favor by distilling decades of psychedelic research into one pretty animated infographic. Finally, a user-friendly way to share this information with the people in our lives who still may be stuck in fear-based thinking about these powerful medicines. Watch it. Learn it. Share it.