The Most Wonderful Time

I'll say it (at least) once more: I feel like myself again now that I've got a camera back around my neck. In it's super cute and functional leather case. It came just in time too- the  weather in Nevada City (and the rest of Northern California) has been exceptionally beautiful and warm. And I did a lot of fun things in the last three days! And really liked what I was wearing for each of them, a mix n' match of thrifted sweaters and gifted dresses and nifty boots.

This is Friday morning, just before my boyfriend Adam and I took off to Napa for his company Christmas party. I thrifted this sweater last year and have photographed it to sell in the shop twice, and accidentally traded it at  local buy/sell/trade clothing store once. I never ended up listing it on Etsy (either time), and I went back and bought it at full price when I realized I had traded it. Though we have almost parted ways many times, I finally decided I would be a fool to get rid of it and promptly started working it into every outfit possible. The amazing top I got from Nicole of Crimson & Clover at the Nevada City Summer Bizarre. I love the way they look together, and I'm always excited when I realize my red boots will work with what I'm wearing. I wore this driving to Napa, and then once we arrived I wore it to...

Spend the afternoon with Missa! The lovely lady behind Thrift Candy drove from Santa Rosa and met me near downtown Napa. We are lucky enough to have met up twice before this, (the first time this happened, the second time this happened). We thrifted (dresses and books, of course!) and then had a couple beers and a potatoish oniony snack. It was brief but lovely, and I was grateful to finally, after the fun and revery of our last two meet-ups, get some quiet time alone with my birthday sister. And she gave me the most amazing gift bag! I didn't look in it until the next morning, and I was totally blown away by the awesomeness of its contents. More to come on that, I'm sure.

Missa and I sadly said goodbye, and my evening commenced. The office Christmas party was a fancypants dinner and a swankydank restaurant. It was delicious, it was fun, and people were very drunk on wine. The perfect evening. (Except that I forgot to photograph my holiday party outfit- a green plaid skirt, white lace top, and cherry red sweater with grey cashmere tights and school girl heels).

Brett Shady, Samantha, and Val looked as good as it's possible for people to look, cheeks all a-flush by the fireside.

And the next day Adam and I had the exact opposite dining experience! (Though we looked pretty good too, eh?). We met my extended family on my mom's side in Sacramento for my grandma's 90th birthday party. At the HomeTown Buffet. It is TRULY the worst food imaginable. But since it's a buffet and someone else paid for your lunch and there are so many options... you sure do eat some of it.

Uncle Jim, mama Janis, and sister Lacey (very amused).

The whole fam damily. I hadn't seen some of my cousins here in years and years, it was really nice to catch up and meet new babies! The short and sweet lady I am standing next to is Memere (pronounced Mimay), the guest on honor. I have posted about her and her eleven siblings here before. I was wearing a new dress from Missa's gift bag! I layered it over a black dress that had gotten wrinkled in my bag- perfect. And cozy.

Mycie had made this for Memere, and it is one of the first times I have seen her write from left to right. She usually goes from right to left (and arranges the words from bottom to top). People often ask if she does that because she's a lefty. I have no idea. I never correct her, but I do sometimes point out when we read books how the words go from left to right. I am loving the explosion of interest in reading and writing lately. All day every day, "Mom, how do you spell...?"

Later at Memere's house I changed into the shoes I had worn the night before and bundled up in the mustard sweater again.

When Missa and I were sitting at the bar I had this sweater on the back of my chair (you can see it in the photo) and a woman came up to me to tell me how much she liked it. She mentioned that from across the restaurant she could see the different cable knits in back. It's one of my favorite things about this sweater too.

We always take a four generations photo. (Mycie's wearing a sweet li'l plaid dress I recently thrifted. Oh and did you notice her cute new hair cut?).

Then my mom grabbed the camera and Adam swept me off my feet and Mycie smiled and we shortly thereafter headed for home.

The next morning the many-layered members of our household went Christmas tree shopping. Mycie and I live with our friends Sarah and Ella (Sarah was one of VF's first models, Ella is 5 like Mycie). It's been so great living together, Mycie and Ella play and play and play and Sarah and I support each other with child care, housework, cooking, and lots of talking and crying and laughing.

I wore the dress from Missa again AAAAAAAAND this ridiculously fantastic and lovely and perfect embroidered shrug! It took me a few hours of lovingly wearing it to remember that Missa had posted about it before. I searched for the post and went back and read my comment, which included the line "Um, I'm gonna need that shrug :-)".

Well Missa, thanks for obliging! No but really, thank you so much for gifting me this seriously special and beautiful and well made garment. I will legitimately treasure it (and wear it!) for along, long time. Sweet sister friend.

Our little tree is perfect for our little place and our little girls. I am very much looking forward to the rest of December and more activities, outfits, and photos!