Hella Hello!

Hi friends! Geez, I've had a number of blogs set up to work on and post lately, but life is so full I just haven't found the time. Kindergarten started today though, so hopefully the time will find me soon. So this is just a quick hello!

Today Suuzi's husband Spencer Seim's band Hella is featured on NPR's Song of the Day! Pretty rad deal! If you like what you hear, keep your ears peeled for his latest project with Aaron Ross, Aamaranth. Their album, produced by Guy Massey (who won a Grammy this year for remastering The Beatles' box set), will be out soon.

Yes, our darling Suuzi- who loves vintage peasant dresses, tends her chickens, goats, and garden every day, and keeps an immaculate house- is married to a hard core rock n' roller. In fat, they met when she interviewed him for a Canadian music magazine.

Hope you all are busy bees gathering up the last of the sweet summer nectar!