The Red Hot Chili Peppers & the White Hot Lace Dress

I had the most unexpected time of my life at the secret Red Hot Chili Peppers show at the Miner's Foundry in Nevada City on Friday night! All my closest peeps kept the band's identity from me all week (including Suuzi! Evil!), but I figured it out about an hour before they took the stage. And I was STOKED. You know I've been crushing on Anthony for about two decades now. I weasled my way to the front row and jumped up on stage during the encore, which you can watch above (look for the back of me about 7 minutes in- but don't skip ahead or you'll miss some amazing shit!). Suuzi and I had photographed the vintage white tattered lace dress I wore to the show about a month ago, thinking I would sell it. I am *so glad* I didn't! It was the perfect dress to wear to something-that's-gonna-be-rad-but-I'm-not-sure-what-it-is.

After the show was over Chad handed me (and some other lucky ladies) a drum stick, complete with hundreds of tiny wood chips banged out of it.

The show was incredible. Flea and Anthony are both going to be 50 next year but are as hot, ripped, and energetic as ever. (According to Suuzi they are, like her, serious Kundalini yoga practitioners). Chad, as evidenced above, tore it up on the drums. The new guitarist Josh Klinghoffer (whose ties to Nevada City are what made the show happen) was amazing too.

Local boys Them Hills opened, and Anthony told us later that he dug it! As well as the fresh mountain air up here.

(Oh! And these three beauties were all clad in Violet Folklore as well.)

Hell yeah! This mama needed a fun night out on the town. And if Friday night was anything, it was FUN.