You Make Sunshine and Glory Too

(Listen as you read...)

I have a really neat non-what-I-did-this-week post in the works, but turns out my camera settings were off so the photos are enormous and are taking a very long time to upload. So I'm going with these pics from last Monday...

Li'l Miss Mycie is like a new person now that the sun is shining. She was, to put it mildly, not much fun the last month or so. But this week she's been a bundle of joy, singing and dancing and really, really excited about busting out her warm weather dresses (even if they still need to be worn with tights and a sweater- oh and, yes, this is the sweater that we share).

Seems that we aren't the only girls happily donning our prettiest spring dresses- here is my friend Bluebird of local band Lasher Keen in a glorious Gunne, standing in front of some plant starts in front of the BriarPatch Market :-)

(Random Thought Sequence- I once saw a show in Nevada City on the fall equinox where Lasher Keen opened up for Faun Fables. Today Sasha posted the raddest and sweetest little blog that included a really cool Faun Fables song that I fell in love with!)

After the 'Patch we went to the park. Mycie rad around like a mad child just let out of an insane asylum.

I wore yet another new dress (it's been a lucky, lucky few weeks) dug out of  "the bins" at the Goodwill last weekend. I thought it was for the shop. Until I tried it on. And felt its light rayon-y goodness.

Juniper and Nesha, Mycie's ol' school chums, joined us.

And then our friends Sadie and Ruby showed up too! Here is big sister Sadie in a sweet dress her mom Rachel scored from an estate sale (she says Sadie loves telling people that story).

Believe it or not, the site of this little dandelion hunt (where the bouquet came from) is about 10 feet away from The Salvation Army. It's this sweet little pathway that leads up to another of my favorite places- the library!

Little Miss Sunshine.

Later in the day I had Graham snap some shots of me in the dress and these moccasins. I actually listed the dress in the shop, but then, due to heart palpitations and blind hysteria at the thought of sending it off to someone else, removed it. The mocs I did list, and the mocs they did sell, and the mocs you will be seeing on Missa- no doubt with some darling little outfit- sometime soon!

In other news- our camera is back! And it is fantastic! Except when it is on the wrong setting and takes gigantic photos that still haven't uploaded! I am doing a big photo shoot on Sunday for the shop- can't wait to share the new images and new pieces with you all.

Aaaand one last run on sentence- the video above is one of my favorite songs, that just seemed to tie in so well to this post, and that I heard on my iTunes shuffle today while I spring cleaned the hell out of my house, and that made me feel really happy and peaceful, and that is sung by Faun Fables and by Bonnie 'Prince' Billy (who Heather and Adie and I were lucky enough to see here in Grass Valley back in October). The song is all beauty and soft love, the video is all humor and... some kinda love ;-)