A Revelation in Lavender Floral

On our Sacramento shopping extravaganza last weekend I found this Gunne Sax high waisted skirt. It features a delicate floral print in soft pink and lavender and lace and a corset tie front. A total dream. I'm keeping it. I've already worn it twice.

Oh and I found this perfect grey top for wearing under high waisted skirts that day too!

I actually prefer imperfections on Gunnes and other vintage prairie dresses (especially tattered lace, there is something so appealing about tattered lace on an old dress).

But what is this!? A skirt that doubles as a dress!? Indeed it is my friends. The previous owner simply hand sewed (in bright red thread, no less) two strips of (tattered) lace into the top of the skirt to serve as straps. So simple. I wore it as a dress to the BriarPatch Co-op yesterday (where Mycie got her face painted by the famous Penney the Clown). Then brought it back down for book club look in the evening.

This is how I wore it to book club, with my lavender cashmere sweater and the only necklace I ever really wear. Our book was Slouching Towards Bethlehem, a collection of essays by Joan Didion exploring California culture in different locales in the 1960s (published in 1968). Sacramento and San Francisco (from whence Gunne Sax emerged in the last 60s) are both covered, as are many other places. We all loved it and it stirred up some lively conversation. Such as when I compared Didion's value as someone who calls people out on the mythologies they create (the Haight-Ashbury scene, the John Wayne bravado, the Joan Baez peace ideology) to Regretsy.com, where Etsy and its countless users are called out on the bullshit they try to pull. (It was a stretch, but at least I turned a few more people on to the hilarity that is Regretsy).

In other news, our camera should be here any day now! And I have soooo many new pieces to shoot! And a fabulous location for the weekend! And the sun is non stop shining 'round here! And did I mention that I have a new skirt that's also a dress!?!?