This Just In (& Giveaway Sneak Preview)

My mom just came across this photo of her with her Aunt Marie- that amazing top is actually a dress! Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love it more...

And now I can refine my search for this long lost garment (the chances of me finding it are slim enough but I would, of course, have never found it if I'd been searching for a blouse- online, at least).

My mom also found some pictures of her as a young girl. I share them here because she looks strikingly similar to Mycelia, as various family members keep pointing out to us.

And since I've blogged about every member of his family already, and he isn't here any longer to protest his absence, and because I loved the hell out of him, here is a photo of my mom's dad, my Grandpa Chuck (with grandma Claire, Uncle Charlie, my mom, and Uncle Jim). He was a large, gentle, soft spoken man, a wonderful cook, and a WWII veteran. This looks to be about 1953.

In other news, I am super excited for the Giveaway I am planning for next week- this amazing book! Stay tuned for images and text from the so-dreamy-70s-you-don't-know-whether-to-sigh-or-cringe inner pages...