Fly Away Home

Really though, could anything make me happier than corduroy and lace? I think not.

Well, perhaps actually, yes. Add in my favorite summer flats, a high waisted fit, and beautiful feather earrings. Okay now I'm happier.

Shoes: thrifted

Skirt: thrifted

Belt: thrifted

Top: from my friend, and serious vintage enthusiast, Jessica's yard sale last summer after she cleaned out some storage. The label has been removed but I can tell from the bit that's left that it's a Gunne Sax

And there's a special story behind the earrings! I had purchased a similar pair from Rachelle at Starrbeads on Etsy last year. When Mycelia and I were in our car accident two months ago I lost a small number of personal items. We had been visiting my family out of town and so we had lots of stuff with us in suitcases and random bags. The truck flipped (and settled) upside down, so our shit was scattered all over the roof/floor of the car. I tried to grab what I could, but the cops assured me that the tow truck guys would get everything out and that I'd get it all back. (But not before they'd leave it out in the rain for a few hours, come to find out).

And come to find out to that, well, not everything. Only one of the new garden shoes I'd just thrifted that morning, for example, and only one of my favorite feather earrings from Rachelle (I added it to my collection of lonely earrings that make up a vigil- I refuse to give up on ever finding their matches again). So I sent her a message on Etsy asking if she would be able to make me a similar pair and sending her a link to the accident story.

Well, not only did she agree to dig through her feather collection and make me another pair, but she insisted on sending them to me for FREE! As a springtime gift after going through winter hardships. I cannot say enough about what a wonderful person Rachelle is or how fabulous her work is.

To quote Sasha from her August '09 post Byrd Brain, "The earring designer is Rachelle Starr, and she is a total riot. I recommend that you buy something from her awesome Etsy store, Starrbeads, just so you can get a chance to talk to her! She has lived an awesome, sparklingly creative life, designing feathered halters for Hustler photo shoots in the 70s, necklaces for Oscar de la Renta, and the masks for Prince's Purple Rain movie… and that is just the tip of the iceberg. She uses feathers that she acquired in the 60s and 70s, which makes her work totally unique. Her best quote: "We are not born with Feathers, We need to Decorate!" Run, don't walk to her Etsy store(Everything is VERY reasonably priced, too.)"

I added the "very" in there, because it's so true!

THANK YOU RACHELLE! I love them! (And how perfect are they with this outfit!?)