Gold Rush Mama

And hey, I actually do live in a 115 year old miner's cabin! (In Grass Valley, CA, heart of the Gold Rush). My girl Jasbir came over today to take some photos of me, conjure up an amazing essential oil blend to help me with some physical and emotional issues in my life, discuss Chinese Medicine (she is a practitioner), and just generally be an awesome friend and person. She ended up taking three lovely dresses home (see photo below). And in turn she gifted me this belt, which I am seriously stoked on!

We had such a great time putting this outfit together. It started with the vintage smocked sundress (which is the love of my life), then I added the white top over it (I've had it for months but this was the first time I wore it), then I threw on the blue lace and Jasbir suggested I belt it. Perfect! The boots topped (bottomed) the look off.

Earrings: Tibet Nepal in Davis, CA

Dress: thrifted by Sasha

White Top: clothing exchange with friends

Blue lace: gifted from a friend

Belt: gifted from Jasbir

Boots: Solstice in Nevada City, CA

(Here is my favorite picture of me in this dress- I especially love my near invisible foot- taken by Graham last year at Wilbur Hot Springs):

But the best shot from the day was definitely this one. Mycelia, Jasbir, and her husband Spencer in front of his motorcycle and our miner's cabin, taken shortly before we all enjoyed (immensely) a Thai soup made by Graham. 'Twas a good, good day.