Cutie Booties

Four things I am super stoked on right now:

1. The new Flickr group Naiad Dawns, from whence came the above piece, The Specimen by Megan Burges.

2. The fact that, after getting so many requests to carry larger sizes in my shop (which I always strive to do when shopping), the last 10 pieces I've listed have been M/L/XLs.

3. The Clothes Try On and Take Home Party I am hosting next week! If you are local and we are friends in real life, or at least have real life mutual friends, or you are super cool and my life will be much richer with you as a new friend and you totally want to spend money on the adorable clothes on my rack, then go to my personal Facebook page and check out the Event listing or leave a comment here for more info.

4. My recent boot scores, all listed in the shop now!