Pretty Summer Dresses for Mother & Daughter, Part 2

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Okay, here I am wearing yet another birthday gift dress, this one from Milla, who also gave me my beautiful new Gunne! I love the crochet detailing at the neck and sleeves here and decided to offset it with the lace hem of a slip underneath.

And Miss Mycelia, who insisted we wear our blue dresses together, is wearing the most adorable vintage dress that I got for half off at the Salvation Army recently. Not only is it the sweetest print with the most precious details, but it is an I Magnin! Sasha first introduced me to this brand, which was in fact a retailer in San Francisco that catered to the hippie and bohemian tastes of the 60s and 70s. I've had many an I Magnin piece come through the shop, but had never seen a child's garment before. It fits her perfectly and I can't wait to dress her in it constantly this spring and summer.

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Now I don't know if it is a nation wide thing or just regional to the seven Salvation Army's in our area, but those stores are having the craziest sales lately. They majorly upped their prices last year but make up for it by having some sort of sale every day. The day I got Mycie's dress above I also got this one for myself. It was a "Red, White, and Blue" sale day, meaning if what you buy contains any of those colors, it's half off!

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Mycie's top here is another gift from Joanne, hand made by her grandmother in my beloved red gingham. And I must say that I am just as stoked on this dress for daily spring and summer for myself as I am for hers.

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See? Fun! Okay Mr. Sunshine, time to emerge from hibernation...