Pretty Summer Dresses for Mother & Daughter, Part 1

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Lately both Mycie and I have taken to wearing summer dresses around the house, space heaters blaring, as the rain beats on the metal roof and the wind blows over the garbage can outside. We are warm and snug, and getting tired of our winter dresses. It has been an especially fun practice lately as we have suddenly been inundated with beautiful new dresses, most of them gifts, with a few thrift scores thrown in as well. We had a short spell of sunny days lately, and I used them to photograph new items for the shop as well as our spring wardrobe.

These two dresses were gifts from my birthday sister Missa. Her package was such a pretty sight, even including a stunningly embroidered shirt for Graham (who declined to be photographed in it, ahem). I adore the dress she sent me and can't wait to wear it once the warm weather really hits. And the dress for Mycie! It is a tad too big for her but she loves that, it makes it her first maxi dress and she felt so special in it. And I am stoked that it will fit her for years to come. And it's neat too how the dresses compliment each other.

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Now this adorable shirt (or dress for a smaller girl) came in a package from my dear Etsy friend Joanne. She sent me a whole box full of vintage children's clothes that she recently found in her parent's attic, many of which were hers as a child and were handmade for her by her mother, grandmother, and aunt. If that isn't the sweetest thing I don't know what is.

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I love love love this little top- red, corduroy, with that sweet folksy trim. She will be rocking it a lot in the summer months.

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Please someone find one in my size.

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This is a dress that I thrifted back on a freezing January day. I need a tea party to wear it to.

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And this ridiculously sweet little floral dress is another from Joanne's package. That's her wearing it at Mycie's age! So special. It's just so satisfying to meet people online and have friendships develop and good exchanges come out of everything. Joanne and I have a cool connection too in that we have a mutual friend, totally unrelated to our online/Etsy relationship- the wonderful Simon, who Joanne knows from England (where she lives and where he is from). Simon now lives here in Nevada City and and is a fantastic photographer who is going to do a photo shoot for Violet Folklore very soon! Honestly one of the reasons I started Violet Folklore was so that I could have a constant flow of beautiful clothing and people into and out of my life, and I am so grateful to everyone who has contributed to the influx.

Oh and so is Mycie, girl after my own heart.