Spreading The Gunne Sax Love

From Amber
In the last week two of our fellow "indie fashion bloggers" (I always feel the need to put that in quotes) have posted a blog about Gunne Sax dresses and the Violet Folklore girls (that'd be us) who love, wear, and sell them.

Milla at The Girl Who Married a Bear posted this blog right after she took advantage of our current Buy One Get One Free sale and scored two of our best Gunnies!

And Katie at Zombie Lace, who has left us many a Flickr and blog comment expressing the way we have inspired her to lower her hemline and wear a prairie dress in public, posted this blog featuring some lovely pictures of herself in one of the absolute sweetest Gunnies I have ever seen. I just adore the pale yellow color.

My own mother wore these dresses back in the 70s and my love for them runs deep. Here I am in my favorite Gunnie from my own closet that my mom bought me off eBay last Christmas (and that I plan on wearing every Christmas and whenever else I have a chance for the rest of my life).


Check out (and contribute to!) the Flickr group Gunne Sax Girls for more. Oh and we also have a Set on our Violet Folklore Flickr account featuring all the Gunnies we've had in the shop (including two fabulous wedding dresses) here.

(We have a few new Gunnies that will be listed in the shop in about two weeks...)