*BUY ONE GET ONE FREE* Help Us Go To Herb Camp!

From Sasha

It's almost that time of year again... time to put on wacky outfits and dance in the sun and learn about life and love and the mysteries of womanhood. No, this is not a fantasy land, it's an event called the Northern California Women's Herbal Symposium! This is the first year that Amber and I are going to go together, and we are soooooo excited!!! It's like camp... for grown-ups who love plants and magic! Truly there is nothing better. You can read more about my adventures there on my Kitchen Witch blog... and you should seriously think about joining us for the fun this year!

Class on Plant Spirit Medicine
So we have almost gotten our registration fees together, but we need one final push to get there. We figured that everyone loves a good sale, so why not throw a fabulous one of our own? And why not really do it up and make it (drumroll please)... BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! (Of equal or lesser value. No shipping charge on the second item.) What the heck. We just put up tons of new stuff, and we want you to play dress-up!!!
You can go about this one of two ways:
1. Buy the two (or four-- or six-- or twenty) things you want, and write us a Convo or a message on your Etsy transaction saying "I'm a blog reader!" and we will refund the price of the second item to your Paypal right away!
2. Send us a Convo on Etsy, or leave us a comment here, saying what you want, and we will reserve the items for you with prices pre-adjusted!
***Sale Ends Saturday, May 2nd!***
Happy shopping, girls!!!
Altar to the Goddess! Hooray!