The Vintage Scene in Sactown

From Amber

Boy has Sacramento's vintage shop scene expanded since I left there 2 years ago. On my recent trip there (to see Sasha and The Shamrocks play at Luna's- see pic in Sasha's latest post below) I visited three of the sweetest little boutiques midtown has to offer. And since it's only an hour's drive from Grass Valley, I plan on visiting these little wonderlands many times in the future.

Atelier Co-op on 16th and P is a "Dressmaker's Workshop, Vintage and Handmade Boutique" and I went there twice during my two day stay in Sacto because I found it so charming and adorable *and* because there is a $1 closet! I got an amazingly soft navy blue sweater with toggle buttons in there, and scored a perfect-fitting pair of brown Danskos for $5 in the nearby$5 section. Here is their Myspace link.

But my true Atelier score was this handmade ring by Porkchop Crafts:


Isn't it precious (especially resting on my bedspread)? "Happiness inducing" is the term that best describes this ring, which hasn't left my finger since the day I bought it.

Also rockin' the midtown scene is Bows & Arrows on 17th & L. The shop is big, spacious, and filled with treasures from all eras in well-organized racks that fit into a pleasant and easily navigable space. They carry plenty of men's items, shoes, bags, etc. and, like Atelier, also feature handmade goods. You're likely to find the sewing machine situated behind the couch in the middle of the shop pumping away under the watchful eyes of one of Sacramento's hippest and craftiest ladies.


One of those hip ladies, who makes clothing under the name Pretty Trashy, made this AMAZING sweater, which I fell in love with immediately and used some trade money to buy. I don't think I've ever had so many compliments on a piece of clothing before, and from people of all ages and walks of life. Here are some pics I tried to take of myself in it this afternoon. I utilized all 3 mirrors in my bedroom::






Check them out on Myspace AND at their new Etsy shop!!!

And last but hell no not least is Thunderhorse Vintage at 25th & J. This shop has a primo location, is stocked to the brim with fabulous vintage clothing, shoes, bags, and accessories from all decades and for both genders, and is owned by one of the nicest and most stylish girls in California, Jen. Check her out, on the sidewalk on J street:


I was so in love with the layout and content of Jen (and her sister Marilyn's) shop that I photo'd up a storm in there:


Thank goodness my shop is online because I could never make it look as good as this!


How bummed are you right now that you're not standing there flipping your little fingers through this rack?! I feel your pain.






Yep! That's Kirk Cameron up there.


And that man is known as Elvis, a bit lesser known than Mr. Cameron but deserving wall space nonetheless.


You know I had to take a picture of the world's most ridiculous/amazing jumpsuit! Here's a pattern close-up:



In the above and the following two shots I am wearing two pieces that I bought there that day and loved too much to take off when exiting the dressing room!- the sweetest little high waisted prairie skirt (with awesome, big pockets) and a truly dreamy cropped pastel rainbow colored 80 shirt that takes me right back to my Cabbage Patch days:



Oh and did I mention that most of the spectacular new pieces we have up in the shop came from here? They're not exactly Thunderhorse style so me and Jen did a big swap- we took her 70sish boho type stuff and she got our 80s, 50s, mod, etc. pieces! It was so fun, sitting there together, going through huge bags of clothes, chatting, and bargaining piece for piece. Thanks for the great stuff Jen!!

And speaking of Sactown style, I just discovered the blog The Sactorialist. Although it is the capital of the most fashion forward state in the union, who knew Sac folks had such style? 
Readers of Painfully Hip, I suppose :-)

So long Sacto, Sasha will be there to rock your heart out this Friday night, and I'll see you again the next time my library books are (over)due!


Looking through all these shots of Thunderhorse inspired me to take these photos in my bedroom during my mini photo sesh today. If you're like me and like to peep through folk's closets, you'll like them. The green apron was scored in Atelier's $1 closet!!!:

