For Those About To Rock

From Sasha

I know we have a fair number of blog readers in the Fashionable City of Sacramento.... (let me hear you roar, you well-dressed, forward-thinking, artistic creatures!) Doing self-promotion for my band always seems unbearably cheesy, but if you aren't hanging around Myspace all day (and you should not, definitely NOT, be doing that) how will you all know that my band is bringing the Rock to Sac this Friday night????


(I love making flyers- it's one of my favorite parts of being in a band!)

The deets: Friday, February 13th (yeah, like the movie), at Luigi's Fungarden in the heart of Midtown. Starts 8ish. We're playing with Sacramento darlings Tender Red and Davis' own sensations Olive Drive. Best of all, Luigi's is ALL AGES!!! I also hear they have monitors AND a soundperson.... praise Jesus Mary Moses, I need a soundperson. I have PMS waaaaaay too bad to get up there without one!!! Also, if you've seen us before, your mind is gonna be blown, cause we have an actual BASS PLAYER now... in answer to my prayers, Sasha and the Shamrocks is now a band with a rhythm section!!!

I am hard at work dreaming up an outfit that combines "Slasher Film" and "Valentine" themes, and if you don't come out I might put some pictures on the blog, but then again, I might not, and what will you do then? (she threatens, vaguely) Hope I see you there!


Don't ask about that painting in back of Chris. We don't know.

Amber Magnolia Hill