Nevada County Street Style- Jaime at the Flour Garden

From Amber at Violet Folklore

Jaime is a true blue Nevada City girl, but I ran into her in Grass Valley where she was getting coffee for a jaunt to Berkeley. She was looking amazing in her clothing (as usual) and I was stoked that I had my camera with me:


Jaime seems to always have an elaborate and eye-catching decollete space happening, with beautiful jewelry and uniquely detailed neck lines (very fun for the many little ones in this county who absolutely adore being held by and playing with her!). Her gorgeous black curly hair always complements her outfits:

Jaime, like our first Nevada County Street Style participant Chia, spends a bit of her time working at After The Gold Rush Records in Nevada City. She is also an Ayurvedic practitioner and tour manager for her good friend Joanna Newsom. In other words, she travels a lot, knows tons about natural health, and has a record collection to die for!
Love the skirt and the lace-up-in-back boots...
...which also double as her cell phone holder!
And you haven't even seen the earrings or hair piece yet!:
On top of all this, Jaime also lives in the sweetest little cottage on the planet with an AMAZING herb garden. Here is a blog that Sasha posted about an herbal medicine making party the three of us had there this past summer:
Love ya Jaimes!
(Photo of Jaime and one-year-old Mycelia taken at Esme's 1st birthday party in August 2007 by our friend and Violet Folklore model Alison).
folkAmber Magnolia Hill