Myspace Style Sirens

From Sasha
I just love looking at photos. I'm the one who honestly wants to see every picture in your vacation album, every photo of your grandma, great aunt, and your second cousin's dog from 1945... I'm even compelled to buy pictures of strangers at flea markets and antique stores!  It isn't too surprising, then, that I love looking at the pictures of our creative, fashion-savvy Myspace friends. Though I may never meet these ladies in person, they totally inspire me with their style and their sass. Here are my picks of the week for our Myspace Style Sirens!
Brianne, New Jersey

Violet Folklore: Who do you think has influenced your style the most?
 Brianne: Nobody in particular really influenced my style, though me and my friend are both really into vintage clothing, so we go on hunts all over the place to find the best places to get the best vintage. I LOVE to watch old movies which probably has a lot to do with it also! I just use what I see and incorporate it into what I'm wearing.
Violet Folklore: What is the very favorite piece of vintage clothing that you own?
 Brianne: 'My favorite piece of vintage clothing is....this is a hard one, hmm probably my red (who doesn't adore red!) 1980s vintage cocktail dress! I just love it and its nice and fancy, especially when I need to dress up :).
Violet Folklore: The holidays are coming up, obviously, and for a lot of us that means at least one big party. What would be your fantasy dress/outfit? Do not consider reality or your actual budget.
 Brianne: Ah my fantasy outfit! I have no idea, I always see a million things that I love. I'd be something simple, something that I can move around in (you know to party :D). I'd need an awesome pair of high heel low cut boots. It's time for me to get new shoes. I would wear would probably be a fitted wine red dress, with black stockings. 
Violet Folklore: That makes we think of another question that is sort of holiday themed, at least in MY life... do you ever wear (or have you ever worn) something to a family gathering that you don't really love, just to make your mom/dad/grandmother happy? 
 Brianne: Haha, luckily that never happened to me! I have gotten gifts with questionable clothing choices though...bad times. hahaha
Violet Folklore: Your favorite book/ movie/ album of this year? 
 Brianne: My favorite book this year was The Virgin Suicidesfor sure! I finished that less than two days! My favorite movie of the year and will always be Titanic. I hear that Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are starring in another movie together! I'll be the first to watch that!The album that I have recently returned to listening to was Burn and Shiver by Azure Ray! It depends though, on what mood I'm in. Sometime I like sleepy tunes, and other times I need dance tunes and go cRaZyyY!

Veronika, Czech Republic

Violet Folklore: Who do you think has influenced your style the most?
Veronika: All girls and women from the past, especially from the 60s. I can't choose only one gal because I am inspired by all the "normal" girls my age from past; like Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn, Beatle girls,etc..
Violet Folklore: Favorite piece of vintage clothing that you own?
Veronika: I really like my grandmother's violet psychedelic dress from 1968. I wear it with knee-socks and flats or Mary Janes shoes. However I love all my vintage clothing because some pieces are very rare and I'm so glad I have them!
Violet Folklore: Fantasy holiday dress/outfit?
Veronika: Oh,what an interesting question! I'd choose long draggy silver or gold dress from 30s, Ginger Rogers had this one. Next I'd choose a dress from early sixties or late fifties with many shifts, it shouldbe in very very happy colour-maybe pink or light blue.
 Violet Folklore: Did you ever wear something to a family gathering that you don't really love, just to make your mom/dad/grandmother happy?
Veronika: No,I really don't :) But my grandmother has a lot of pieces from the 80s and those things I really don't like because they absolutely don't suit me! But I didn't have wear them at all.
Violet Folklore: Your favorite book/ movie/ album of this year? 
Veronika: I've read many, many books so it's too difficult to choose only one. I watched many movies too but I was really surprised about The Dark Knight. I listen mainly old music but one album really surprised me-The Age of the Understatement by The Last Shadow Puppets.

Ola, Poland

Violet Folklore: Who do you think has influenced your style the most?
 Ola: I think there is no single person who has influenced my style. I like walking the street and watching people around me, and I also think the biggest influence on me has been music and movies-- especially French Movies like "Breathless".
Violet Folklore: Favorite piece of vintage clothing that you own?
  Ola: It's not an easy question... but I think it would be my brown bag, which is very very big!
Violet Folklore: Did you ever wear something to a family gathering that you don't really love, just to make your mom/dad/grandmother happy?
  Ola:  Yes of course, when I was younger my mother always told me that I had to look more girly, so when we used to go to my grandmother's house I had to wear the clothes which she chose. And trust me, they didn't look good.
Violet Folklore: Your favorite movie/album of this year? 
 Ola:  My favorite album of this year is for sure Maria Peszek "Maria-Awaria"-- it's a Polish singer (very very very good)-- and I have two favorite movies of this year: "Rezerwat" (Polish) and "Elegy" with Penelope.

Cheyenne, Oregon

Violet Folklore: Who do you think has influenced your style the most?
Cheyenne: i usually dress different from day to day, just depends on my mood, but it's always inspired by musicians. Right now i think Ladyhawke is the inspiration for a lot of my outfits.
Violet Folklore: Favorite piece of vintage clothing that you own?
Cheyenne: all my mom's silk scarves!
Violet Folklore: Fantasy holiday dress/outfit? 
 Cheyenne: oh i'm in love with any of betsy johnson's little party dresses. a slick audrey hepburn hairstyle with strappy black heels and call it good. when i go out to anything formal i like to keep is pretty classy, with just a little kick of pizazz.
Violet Folklore: Did you ever wear something to a family gathering that you don't really love, just to make your mom/dad/grandmother happy?
Cheyenne: when i was younger i would always have my mom pick out my outfits, but these days i just wear what i want. i like showing my family what i've grown into! even if it is a little too kooky for them! haha
Violet Folklore: Your favorite book/ movie/ album of this year? 
Cheyenne: my favorite book is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. it's just so cute! As far as movies..probably The Dark Knight because heath ledger was just perfect in that, or Pineapple Express because i about died laughing. My favorite album of the year is probably Censored Colors by Portugal the Man.

Penny, California

Violet Folklore: Who do you think has influenced your style the most?
 Penny: i would say my influence would have to be debbie harry
Violet Folklore: Favorite piece of vintage clothing that you own?
  Penny: everything i own is vintage
Violet Folklore: Fantasy holiday dress/outfit?
 Penny: i would dress up all in black heels scarf and nice burberry coat
Violet Folklore: Your favorite album of this year? 
 Penny: the 80s
Yana, Montreal/Canada
Check out Yana's awesome Etsy store, Supayana! She is a master of "upcycling" vintage clothes (taking fabric from vintage clothes and creating her own designs out of them), and she runs a 100% eco-friendly business!

Violet Folklore: Who do you think has influenced your style the most?
Yana: I think that living in NY exposed me to a lot of interesting fashion and ideas. In Montreal, I'm influenced by friends and people I see out and about in the city. People here definitely have a more vintage influenced style, which I really love.
Violet Folklore: Favorite piece of vintage clothing that you own?
Yana:  This really adorable 1960's dress that I got at Magpie in Portland, Oregon. Everything about it is perfect- the fabric, the scalloped collar, the fit.

Violet Folklore: Fantasy holiday dress/outfit? 

  Yana: I'll probably end up making something for myself last minute....what will it be? I don't even know the answer to this myself!
Violet Folklore: Did you ever wear something to a family gathering that you don't really love, just to make your mom/dad/grandmother happy? 
  Yana: No, my family isn't really big on gift giving during the holiday season. If we do exchange's usually something edible like chocolate, and who doesn't love that?  When I was younger, my mom would give me these really ugly ankle length nightgowns (cringe!) but I asked her to stop doing that because it was just a waste...

Violet Folklore: Your favorite book/movie of this year? 

Yana:  I'm actually still trying to catch up on old movies and books that I haven't seen/read so I am embarrassed to say I don't know a thing about what came out this past year. One of my new favorite movies is Lost Boys and I have been reading a lot of Milan Kundera's books.