105. Synchronicity Reveals Our Ecological Niche - Sophie Strand

Healing is communal. Settle in softly for this wide-ranging conversation with my most requested guest. Sophie and I talk chronic illness and trauma, diagnosis as blessing and as hex, the theater of medicine, the aquatic nature of memory, and the entanglements of time.


Sophie on Instagram

Sophie’s newsletter Make Me Good Soil

Sophie’s books and more

The Lady’s Handbook for her Mysterious Illness by Sarah Ramey

ACE- Adverse Childhood Experiences quiz

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van den Kolk (giant trigger warning; read the book below instead)

Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice by Rupa Marya and Raj Patel

Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious by Erik Wargo

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy by Barbara Ehrenreich

The Emerald (a podcast beloved by both me & Sophie)

Read The Ones That Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K Le Guin

Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics & the Entanglement of Matter & Meaning by Karen Barad

Time, As a Symptom by Joanna Newsom (lyrics here)

My blog post Ancestral Voices, women’s Weariness, and the Illusion of Linear Time

Episode 82 What I’d Be Without You: My Mother’s Life, Death, and Legacy of Love

Come relax at my Costa Rica Forest Bathing Retreat- last day to book is August 4th ‘23

Medicine Stories Patreon (podcast bonuses!)

Take our fun Which Healing Herb is Your Spirit Medicine? quiz

My website MythicMedicine.love 

Mythic Medicine on Instagram

Medicine Stories Facebook group

Music by Mariee Siou (from her beautiful song Wild Eyes)


106. Chronic Illness: Telling Honest Stories, Navigating the Underworld, and Tending the Roots - Sarah Ramey


104. Your Body is Not a Closed System: The Sun, Cell Signaling, & Metabolic Wellness - Sarah Kleiner