102. The Living Matrix of Fascia & the Resonance of the Heart - Lindsay Courcelle

We can’t talk about fascia, the connective tissue that touches every single cell in the body, without talking about water, memory, and the quantum information that travels along this network at speeds 1000x faster than biochemical/neuronal signaling. When we bring tactile witnessing to our fascia through presence and touch, mountains move. Get ready to have your mind blown and, if you’re anything like me, to spend the rest of your life diving deeper into these subjects.


Lindsay on Instagram

Amber on Instagram

Lindsay’s website

Lindsay’s Myofascial Breast Care Workshop (use coupon code MEDICINESTORIES for 66% off)

Get the Off-Grid Homestead Bundle- 100+ ebooks and online courses to help you start your homestead and live free, for just $50 (a 99% discount!), available from 3/22-3/31 

Join me on my Costa Rica: Forest Bathing Eco Retreat in September

Medicine Stories Patreon- Two bonuses for this episode:

1. Singing w/ the Ancestors- an extended conversation w/ Lindsay about the resonance of the human voice, making pilgrimage to ancestral lands, connecting with the Earth by breathing with plants, calling in our dreams, and the landscapes that our bodies recognize.

2. Holy Witness: The Story of My 101 Year Old Grandmother's Beautiful Death- My sister and I were touching our grandmother as she left her body on my mom’s, her daughter's, birthday. My six year old daughter was in the room as well. It was peaceful, sacred, and offered healing in light of how my mom died in such a shocking and unexpected way.

Plus 5 years of podcast bonuses & resources related to herbalism, ancestry, health, and much more!

Take our fun Which Healing Herb is Your Spirit Medicine? quiz

Lymph Love Club w/ Leah Levitan on Instagram

Interoception: The Emotional Side of Trauma video w/ Dr. Emily Splichal 

Strolling Under the Skin- visceral surgery fascia video

Human Garage on Instagram

John Barnes Myofascial Release

Healing is Voltage by Jerry Tennant

Carrie B Wellness on Instagram

The HeartMath Institute 

Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working w/ Consciousness by Pam Montgomery

The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature by Stephen Buhner

The Resonance Effect: How Frequency Specific Microcurrent is Changing Medicine by Carolyn McMakin

Dr. Catherine Clinton on Instagram

Medicine Stories Episode 95 Exiting the Overculture: Herbalism, Homesteading, & Unschooling My Mind

My website MythicMedicine.love 

Medicine Stories Facebook group

Music by Mariee Siou (from her beautiful song Wild Eyes)

Get the PDF transcript of this episode here


103. Midlife Burnout for Women & Why Healing Work Can Make Us Worse - Dr. Suuzi Hazen


101. Rooting With the Ancient Mothers: Healing Wounded Lineages by Reclaiming Physiologic Birth & Radical Togetherness - Aimee Aroha