58. Poisonous Plant Spirit Medicine - Kathryn Solie

Poisonous plants have long been misunderstood and even forbidden, yet they hold a special medicinal power. Let’s do as our ancestors did and carefully, respectfully ally ourselves with this potent family of healing herbs.


  • Poisonous plants, visionary journeys, and Samhain/Halloween witches


  • How trees and plants companioned Kathryn through her dark and disconnected teen years, led to her meditation practice and relationship with wrathful deities, and eventually brought her to the poison plant path

  • Safety: we are not talking about ingesting these plants, but working with their spirits

  • Making space to integrate traumatic experiences

  • My recent experience with belladonna

  • What happens when many people all tune in to the same plant spirit

  • The effects of deliriant plants

  • How (not) to work with datura, a gateway plant into underworld/angelic work

  • How the scent of plants can bring us into deeper relationship with them

  • Gender, pronouns, and plants

  • Reclaiming lost visionary lineages

  • Being aware of projecting our desires and our wounds onto plants

  • When plant knowledge transmissions get broken through the ages

  • When Amanita muscaria came to Kathryn in a dream

  • Exploring the myth of Persephone

  • The dose makes the medicine/poison- the poisonous plants used in modern medicine, and the different mechanisms of action by which they can harm


By Ben Vierling

By Ben Vierling

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59. Herbal Rituals, Rhythms, & Remembrance - Judith Berger


57. Own Your Self: Radical Healing, Rooted Health - Dr. Kelly Brogan