80. Serenading the Waters: Grandmother Medicine & Expanding the Parameters of Herbal Care - Damiana Calvario

Herbalism is an outlet for creative expression, a tool for community care, and a pathway to our own inner knowing. Let us revel in the freedom we have to make our own healing medicine with guidance from the land, the ancestors, and the mythic realm.


  • Being an abuela in training

  • When an ancestral name is tied in to a landscape

  • Kitchen herbalism in Mexico

  • Gardening with whatever is on hand

  • Following the threads of our ancestors’ herbalism

  • The multifaceted medicine of rose (& making an essence from 100 roses!)

  • Your romantic relationship is yours to create; it doesn’t have to look like anything

  • Healing is not a straight line

  • Acknowledging the limits of ancestral healing, and the positive outward ripples we create when we self heal

  • Damiana shares the story of being held up at gunpoint while delivering herbal medicine to folks in need, and what facilitated the perpetrator’s unexpected change of heart

  • Anger as the fire that triggers action

  • Expanding the possibilities of flower essences- infusing without harvesting, Aguas Serenadas, and spontaneously capturing moments

  • Collective essence making in liminal space


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81. We Belong to What We Long For: Reclaiming Lost Lifeways in the Age of Loneliness - Becca Piastrelli


79. Sunshine Medicine: The Healing Magic of St. John’s Wort