71. Liquid Crystal: Water, Memory, Consciousness, and Health - Dr. Carly Nuday

We’ve all heard that we’re about 70% water by weight, but we are almost 100% water by molecular count. Water is the most abundant *and* the most mysterious substance on the planet. It is the source and the mediator of all of life and consciousness, and the single most important metric in the health of individuals and the earth as a whole. The difference between structured (liquid crystalline) water and bulk water is imperative to understand at this moment in planetary history. Let’s dive in! 

“Ultimately, a theory that could adequately explain the existence of structured water would also explain the connection between mind and matter.” Dr. Marcel Vogel, IBM scientist and crystallographer


  • There are dozens of anomalous properties of water that science has yet to explain

  • Water in its natural state is a liquid crystal- meaning that its molecules are arranged in a geometric structure

  • This form of water is also called structured water (or the 4th phase of water, EZ water, gel water, hexagonal water, etc.), as opposed to the bulk or chaotic/unstructured water that most of us now consume

  • Why bulk water does not support and sustain life (from the plants we eat to the cells inside our body)

  • How structured water can receive, store, and transmit information

  • The double helix structure of DNA- how all life expresses itself- evolved in relationship to water

  • In fact, everything that happens in the body happens in, through, and because of water

  • Aging is a function of dehydration

  • Water is highly responsive to consciousness

  • The water inside our bodies is a highly malleable computer

  • The kind of water that Carly drinks

  • “Hydro hippies” and the public misperception of the science around water and consciousness

  • How the study of crystallography has made our modern technological reality possible

  • Water contains all of the crystallographic patterns possible in nature

  • When I’m in water I am reminded that I am consciousness nested in matrices of consciousness

  • What being next to or immersed in natural bodies of water does for us

  • The less structured the water in our body, the less cohesive our thoughts and beliefs will be

  • Considering polarization, misinformation, and the craziness we all feel in the world through the lens of water

  • What our ancestors knew about water

  • Dark fluid and the origin of creation

  • Seeing through marketing hype- the water purification, remineralization, and structuring system Carly uses (and which ones to avoid)

  • Don’t be overwhelmed- water is so responsive that doing any small thing to make yours more structured has an effect

  • The truth about bottled water


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72. Life's Sacred Matrix: How To Be a Truly Hydrated Water Keeper - Isabel Friend


70. I Forgive You: A Story of Loss and Transformative Healing - Amy Mea Woodruff