64. When We Slow Down, Earth Heals - Ayana Young

As Slowness Medicine is being experienced by the collective consciousness on an unprecedented scale, we can more clearly than ever see that the frenetic pace of the human species under endless growth capitalism is the root cause of global ecosystem disruption (one consequence of which is the emergence and lightning fast spread of novel viral pathogens). From newly clear canal water in Venice to dolphins swimming closer than usual to Italy’s coast to record breaking breathable air in China, let’s embrace this opportunity to pause consciously, learn deeply, and critically rethink our approach to the many threats that face our planet and all who share it.


  • Coronavirus, planetary interconnectivity, and what stillness reveals


  • Pushing the belief button: self confidence on the life path

  • That underlying feeling so many of us have had that there has to be something other than the consumerist capitalist culture we were born into

  • Ayana’s awakening to a life of questioning, seeking, and activism

  • The role of the erotic in meeting overwhelm and hopelessness in these times

  • Burning ourselves out will not save the earth

  • Time plugged in v time in nature and the lie that we’ll be more productive if we’re hooked into technology 24/7

  • When we slow down, the earth slows down (literally)

  • How the For The Wild podcast came to be (Ayana had no idea what she was doing at the beginning) and how the vision has evolved

  • “My devotion is unwavering, but I’m very flexible with how I understand things”

  • The cultural moment that we’re in is a spiritual crisis

  • Rebuilding consent, trust, and reciprocity

  • Planting a million redwoods and building a living library of species

  • Striving to be successful while also staying small and slow and moving through the world with integrity


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65. Wild Remedies: Tending Relationships with the Land Around Us - Rosalee de la Foret


63. Your Cycle, Your Self: Period Empowerment, Fertility Awareness, & the Risks of Hormonal Birth Control - Dr. Elizabeth Wade