sit back and just watch them form from nothing... pregnancy news!

Drop whatever you are doing right now and head over to Heather's most recent post Beyond My Wildest Dreams to read all about her exciting news, and what a long journey she's been on to get here! It will absolutely fill your heart with joy. That's right, Heather & Darin are soon to grace the world with a dear little baby. And guess who else is pregnant!? Our very own Suuzi! She and Spencer are every bit as thrilled as our neighbors to the south. I took this video last month at the Bizarre, and have been very anxiously biding my time until I could post it!! (All of these exclamation marks are totally called for!!)

How lovely and amazing are these mamas?

Jen and I were lucky enough to be there when Suuzi took her test a few months ago (Spencer was out of town!). I cried and smiled and smiled and cried. I usually only have that cockamamie grin on my face when I'm a little tipsy. (Speaking of, Suuzi was drinking homemade kombucha in that fancy crystal goblet). I still sometimes cry just telling someone about her pregnancy! She was already, as you can see, deliciously round and soft and glowing with the little light inside her. Some people, like both of these couples, were just meant to be parents. And are at the exact right moment in their lives to do it.

Jen took these wonderful photos, Suuzi and I loved how she laid the test on a giant rose quartz to get this image.

I was also lucky enough to hear from Heather pretty early on. I got her message when I was with my family in Tahoe, and so Adam and Mycie and I decided to drive back home through Placerville instead of our usual route through Truckee and surprise Heather at The Bookery! I had to keep my excitement kind of hush-hush because she hadn't told her co-workers yet. But I was beaming just as much as I had been with Suuzi (and, it appears, wearing the same dress).

Here's to the world going 'round, beginnings and endings and laughter and tears and love from one generation to the next.

And here's to Mariee Sioux, a friend of all of ours, for writing the beautiful lyrics quoted in the title...