Ghosts of the Old Days

Remember y'all, today is the last day to enter the giveaway!

Mycie and I have just returned from Christmas at my mom's, where she wore this sweet dress I thrifted. And you wouldn't believe the vintage I scored on our little getaway! I've never been so excited about my new stock. Sometime in the next few days I am going to start dabbling in indoor photography with my tripod and self timer. I love the outdoor shoots with my friends, but it's hard having to plan my shoots around weather and other peoples' availability. I would love to have both options.

My mom and her husband recently acquired a hot tub, so Mycie partook in that age old Christmas tradition- a dip in the jacuzzi.

It was as warm in Nevada as it's been here in Cali, and we spent a nice afternoon at the park. We have video of my sister and I at this same park when we were kids (it's a bout a 45 minute drive from where we grew up in South Lake Tahoe). In it, we feed the ducks and then two-year-old Lacey gets a bloody nose when she falls off the slide. It's funny that my mom lives in this little town now, and I think of that day every time I bring her to this park. I'd sure love to get all those old VHS tapes digitized. Has anyone undertaken such a project?

As a close to 2011, and as an afterthought of my recent Cleaning Out & Organizing iPhoto Project (I've deleted over 12,000 photos you guys!! Almost all of them from photo shoots), I thought I'd post my five favorite Violet Folklore photos (not to mention dresses) from the last year.

I sort of hoped this beauty would never sell, because this photo brought so much traffic to my shop!

These first three shots were taken at Empire Mine in Grass Valley. This dress seemed so perfectly suited to the gold rush era cottage in the background.

Thanks to Graham for taking these photos. Somehow most every shot we took that day had an enchanted quality to it.

Somehow, the closed eyes only add to the awesomeness. Looking back on what has come out of my efforts with Violet Folklore so far, really taking stock of what has gone into it and what I have been blessed to get out of it, gives me hope that the future holds even more amazing discoveries and magical moments.

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you dance and smile and kiss your way into 2012! Give a listen to my (and Mycie's) favorite song discovered in the last year, Brett Shady's Angels, Ghosts, and Demons. I promise it will lift your spirits and get your celebratory flow started early.

Stay tuned tomorrow to find out who the Giveaway winner is...


Life's a Happy Song


Silk Elephants on Parade- Giveaway!