A Reason to Celebrate (Bonfire of the Ex's)

This is Jessica. And that is two swans representing love getting the finger from a lover scorned or furious or just fed up. And this is a post about a party that Jessica had a few nights ago, on the day her divorce became final, for all the ladies.

Adie and Abby look after the gravy. In keeping with the theme of doing everything that Jessica's ex hated, the food motif was Thanksgiving dinner (does he sound like the worst guy ever or what!?).

Sweet barefoot yogini Amanda, wearing a Violet Folklore tunic. She chose it for the occasion because of its ceremonial aspect.

Girls girls girls!

Plenty of wine was available, and if my experience of the evening is indicative of anyone else's, plllennty of wine was consumed as well.

An entire table full of things her ex disapproved of.

Apparently Judge Judy was a major point of contention in this relationship. Jess loves her, Ex-man hates her.


Jessica's handiwork.

Art brought champagne reinforcements, just in case. He's a good man.

Medicine Cards provided guidance, bewilderment, and laughter.

This amazing shade of nail polish came to Jessica via her grandmother!

Jess has the cutest little crafty, collectible things in her house. I've been wanting to post a blog on her awesome house and her killer style for so long now. I wish I had taken more photos.

Please take a moment to realize that you are looking at the raddest wallpaper in the universe. Mermaids, ships, coffins, dragons, owls, peacocks, octopi, anchors, nests, guns, narwhals, and more.

Bonfire of the Ex's! The contributions came rolling in.

Here's to a sweet future for Jessica and all the other ladies doing it for themselves ;-)