The Hours

More specifically, the way that some of the hours have been spent in the few days since I returned from one of the funnest nights ever.

New lovelies for the shop! Guatemalan dress, peasant tops, amazing kimonos, black lace bell sleeves, a dirndl skirt, and the sweetest li'l Gunne you ever did see (to name but a few).

I rotated myself 180 degrees from photographing the clothes on the bed and snapped the contents of a special package received in the mail that day- Alela sent us her new album, Alela Diane & Wild Divine, on vinyl! We just got our record player up and working, and it is so much fun to listen to my parents' old record collection and now this very new recording too! It is lovely and Alela is lovely and good friends who make good music are so very lovely to have.

I thrifted this dress for Mycie the other day. Total springtime farm girl hand made country dress. She loves it.

I thrifted this pink dress on the same day, and haven't taken it off since. The gray sweater and perfect little bag came from Heather. On our mini road trip this weekend (see 1st paragraph) she gave both Missa and I a gift package. A *themed* gift package. My theme was Wildflower Hills, reminiscent of "the pinks and grays and purples of a springtime twilight in the Sierras surrounded by poppies and lupines". How totally sweet is that? I think I did that vision justice with this outfit.

The girl, though wearing a darling new dress from her own gift package from Heather, was in a surrriously surrrly mood this afternoon.

Maybe because she totally ate it the day I was out of town dancing up a storm and drinking beer with my girls (again, 1st paragraph). That's a tattoo, not a scab, on her arm. Though she did get cut up on most every body part during her fall.

Details. I really love the little cut-outs on the cardi.

Later that night. Graham. Let's show the world your "work space!". Me. Leave me alone!

Here's Mycie this morning in a sweater from Heather. This is a girl who detests having to wear sweaters, who always wants to be wearing only a summer dress, no matter the weather. I don't think there's been one day this winter when we haven't struggled to get her into appropriate clothing before leaving the house. A problem Heather solved in one fell swoop! Turns out all that was needed was a Peruvian sweater with cute fuzzy animals on it. She loves putting it on.

Lately she has been the queen of layering. Tights, pants, skirt, dress, sweater- good to go.

Maybe that's because Graham has been taking her to school lately. It is a total dream for me to not have to rush in the morning (he is headed out to work anyway), and somehow the outfit choosing process when he is involved has been tweaked just enough to allow for such magnificent creations.

We had totally random snow today, but it is supposed to be warm and sunny by the weekend. Good thing too, because all those new clothes need to be photographed and shared with the world!