The Last Hour Of Ancient Sunshine

Okay, so the Apocalypse hasn't happened. Yet. (Sigh, I'm sorry, but I can't even begin to say anything about what's going on in the world right now. It's taking everything I have not to plummet into a dark hole of terror and sorrow).

But the sun is about to leave Grass Valley for the next week or more, so I had to grab what joy and brightness I could today. Which I did so by wearing this darling new vintage dress.

I did start out the day wearing green, but it actually got too warm for my long sleeved velvet dress!

These photos were taken at Garden Fairies Preschool. You should see the place in the spring, teacher Jacquie has hundreds upon hundreds of flowers, herbs, veggies, fruits, trees, shrubs, etc. growing all over the place.

And a number of wee leprechauns seemed to sprout right out of the ground as well. Here's Mycelia, Juniper, and Nesha. Each girl, along with Jacquie's granddaughter Ti'Elsie, asked for a turn behind the camera. Here are the results:

Mycelia's shot.

Nesha's shot.

Ti'Elsie's shot.

And Juniper's shot :-)

Thanks to Jen (Nesha's mama) for working with me and with my crappy little camera.

Hair Clip: Alpine Gypsy

Dress: Lea's Vintage

Sweater: thrifted

Vintage Sarah Coventry Necklace: My Fred and Ginger

Belt: thrifted

Tights: gifted from Suuzi

Boots: thrifted

Be warm. Be well. Hug your loved ones super tight. Don't forget how fleeting it all is.