It's a beautiful town with the rain coming down...

(I couldn't help but follow in Heather and Milla's recent footsteps and title my post after a song off of Joanna Newsom's latest album Have One On Me).

Endless rain you guys! Heavy, pounding, determined rain. A lot of the folks around me are starting to feel pretty bummed, but I am feeling amazingly okay with it all. I can just feel how near spring is, and how beautiful and vibrant it's going to be thanks to all of this lovely, life giving water. (You might not be able to tell but it was coming down on me in buckets while these shots were being taken. Which means that this is not just a cute pose- I am actually looking up at something!).

Truly the hardest part about the endless gray/cold/wet has been, for me, putting off the debut of some of the lovely vintage dresses I have recently acquired. I want to wear them! In the sunshine! For now, I am dressing as if it were already spring (well, color-wise, at least). It makes me happy and, when the print is as bright and cheerful as this skirt, it makes other people happy too.

The sweater is quite optimistically hued as well. I got it for $2 in the childrens' section at the Salvation Army the other day (as well as a pink cashmere sweater!). The skirt came from Nicole on a trip to Crimson & Clover a while back. I have the hardest time finding tops tight enough to work with high waisted skirts, as far as tucking-in-without-too-much-extra-volume is concerned. The top I am wearing, cream colored with a strip of lace running vertically up the center, *almost* works, but not quite. But hey it was another cheapo Salvo score, so I can't complain. The boots are my trusty vintage 70s Sears waterproof life-savers, Salvo. The hat was thrifted years ago and just pulled out of the back of a drawer yesterday! The heart is suede and is an actual pocket :-)

This is me imploring Graham- with my look of exasperation and determination-  to TAKE THE PHOTO damnit! I'm cold!

Speaking of the song quoted in the title, check out Sasha's recent post about our friend Carabeth's new Etsy shop Lay Swing Boutique. Carabeth is a talented seamstress and has fixed up many a Violet Folklore piece before it hit the shop. Her new line of pillows, purses, and t-shirts is truly original, super stylish, and very covetable. You may have seen her lovely face smiling at you from these here pages before, as she is a cherished friend of mine and her daughter Esme and my daughter Mycelia are little besties. Have been since they were babies. Baby besties. And now that she is on Etsy we can all be Betsies!