Now That's Amore!

Last night Graham's mom Sandi fulfilled my deepest heart's desire and made me real Italian lasagna for my birthday- greasy, meaty, cheesy, delicious. Sandi's maternal grandparents came over from Italy, and she (and Graham!) very much inherited their love of food and their gift for cooking.

Mycelia wore this dress, which Graham got for Mother's Day when she was one year old. It was a maxi dress on her then!

I wore this super simple outfit all day. Throughout the day I pulled different cards from different Tarot and Oracle decks, and one that really stood out to me was the Ordinariness card from the Zen Osho deck.

It just struck an immediate chord. Now that my turbulent twenties- when I was striving so hard to be someone, to be special, to make something of myself, to "find myself"- are officially behind me, I feel like I can sink a little more into ordinariness, into just-myself-ness. I guess I sort of felt that is sweet and simple outfit was a reflection of that. Nothing flashy, not channeling my inner Vintage Maven, not displaying any sexiness, just warm and comfortable and wearing some of my favorite colors. Next step- Mom jeans.

Mycelia & Jasper- BFFs.

As mentioned a few days ago, this little girl is playing a lot with words and writing and spelling at the moment. Half the time her words are written backwards and/or upside down, it's pretty cute. She was stoked on some new alphabet stickers from Nona, and quickly put them to use.

Here is Graham's wonderful mother Sandi and her equally wonderful husband Gary (also a fabulous cook! I really married into the right family you guys).

I was very happy to capture this little love fest.

Thanks for everything Nona & Opa! I think my stomach is still distended from all the lasagna, garlic bread, and wine, but it was well worth the fabulous company.