A Beginning

The term "blogger meet up" doesn't even begin to do justice to the weekend I just spent with these (and a few others) lovely ladies. Sister women. Creative Goddesses. Beautiful souls.

I won't be able to upload my own photos until next week, but for now am content to see (and steal) Heather's photos. And to read her perfect description of our time together in her post Sisters of Grandmother Moon... Or, the Long Story of the Sisters' First Gathering.

Clover and Mycelia doing some bedtime reading.

Beautiful vintage dresses and lots of smiling were amongst the themes of the weekend.

I'm off to visit my grandparents, here's hoping that our new camera battery arrives before I return so that I can get back to a life of obsessive photo documentation and sharing. In the meanwhile, my heart will be floating in an ocean of joy and love, recalling the deep bonds made with these heretofore strangers during one magical weekend in the verdant hills of Northern California...