One Mighty Thor's Day

Perhaps you remember this photo of Katie from my Cuckoo's Nest post. Katie is Julie's daughter, and lives in Eugene, Oregon. I had only ever seen her in these lovely photos and we'd had little contact online, but because of my relationship with her mother (who reminds me a lot of my mother) I've always felt an affinity for her. So when Julie emailed me on Wednesday saying Katie was in Nevada City and here's her number in case you wanna meet up, I got in touch right away.

On Thursday we got together and had coffee and chatted about all sorts of stuff, then I took her down to Solstice, a buy/sell/trade clothing shop in Nevada City where I always score killer vintage and modern pieces. We each found something to justify spending money on, then ran to my car for a quick photo in front of the historic Nevada Theater before saying goodbye.

I had a great time hanging out with Katie and look forward to continuing our friendship in the future (and to eventually meeting her mom in real life too!).

While Katie was trying things on back at Solstice I had run into Cafe Mekka just around the corner to get one of Joe's Eat This! Burritos in the few minutes I had remaining before having to pick Mycie up from preschool.

But they had none.

So I texted Wendy asking for the EDT and she told me they weren't going to be delivering any that day. Well hell, I was hungry and had to go spend an hour cleaning at preschool while watching two rambunctious four year olds (as I always do on Thursdays). What to do? Then another text came in from Wendy, saying that they had one burrito in the fridge at home and that Joe would meet me to hand deliver it in 7 minutes! We rendezvoused at the side of the road, literally pulling up at the same moment and running out in the rain, hands extended, cheeks flushed, hearts warmed, and appetites whetted! (Okay those last three plural noun/past tense verb phrases may only be describing me at that moment). It was the raddest thing, so helpful and kind, and I love them both for contriving to make it happen.

And when I arrived at preschool I was greeted by this sweet scene. Jacquie and the kids all snuggled up on the couch and reading together as the rain fell softly outside.

Making me ever-so-grateful for these vintage 1970s Sears faux fur lined plasticky shiny riding boots. They have been perfect for the wet weather we've had this winter, and I've worn them with these super comfy skinny jeans most every day. (Possibly related to jeggings, but with actual pockets and without any seams or zippers painted on).

It took me a while to be okay with wearing pants this form fitting, but in the end the comfort factor won out and I decided that I had to to be brave and show the world exactly what my least favorite part of my body looks like. And you know what? It's not that bad. In fact, I've received lots of compliments on these. We are so our own worst critics. Get over yourself, me.

The striped top, little grey shrug, and boots were all thrifted. The pants and little floral scarf came from FreeStyle, and the feather earrings from StarrBeads.

Thor spared his lightning bolts on this day, but gave his blessings free reign to shower down upon me :-)