A Lovelier Shade of Haunting

I'm guessing you've heard this song before. And that, therefore, you love it. There is really no other option.

A few nights ago I was aching to hear it and searched for it, and this video came up. It was made in 1967 and shot at Witley Court in England, a relic built in 1655, and in London. It's not a spectacular, or really even a good, video, but it's so worth it to see the style- the clothes, the hair, the 'stache. There is a definite '67 mod hippie London feel to the whole thing. And really, as long as this song is playing in the background, I could watch anything and feel happy and serene and wistful and in love with life.

The discovery of the video sent me in search of more info on the song, and I found out that there were originally four verses that were culled down to two for radio friendliness. I haven't yet found a recording of the entire song (please, for the love of god, send it to me if you find it), but I did find a recent performance of the song that includes one of the extra verses.

It's so crazy seeing people age.

The song has been played on the radio and in public places in Britain more than any other song in the last 75 years, was #57 on Rolling Stone's list of 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, and has been recorded by 900 other artists. (Thank you Wikipedia).

Go here to read the two extra verses, as well as some of the lyrics' meaning and allusions to Shakespeare and Milton.

There, I just made your day a little better didn't I?