Bunnies & Beards, Husbands & Hens


This fantastic short film, which recently debuted at the Nevada City Film Festival, was made by Spencer Seim. Some of you may know him from his career as a musician, but I know him mostly as the husband of one of my best friends and most fabulous models...

Jasbir, also known as Suuzie. And probably from here on out in her Violet Folklore "career" referred to as the latter.

In early summer Suuzie and I needed a place to take some photos. She suggested we shoot at the home of her sister-in-law Jennifer while Suuzie babysat her 9 year old niece Taylor. I was immediately struck by Taylor's beauty and effervescence, and ended up taking almost as many pictures of her as of us in our clothes that evening. I've been wanting to share these beautiful pictures I took of this budding actress ever since, and so here they are...

Snuggling up with Bun Bun.

Helping me with an unfortunate snag :-)

And I just found out a few minutes ago that today is, totally coincidentally, Taylor's 10th birthday! I am thrilled to be able to give her a little birthday tribute with this post for such a special day. Happiest Birthday to you Taylor!

A slightly humorous story to close this post: Last week Suuzie invited Graham, Mycelia, and I, along with our friends Tom and Alela, over for dinner. The avian star of the film, Gray Beard, joined us. Seems she is constantly picked on by the other hens in her coop, and Suuzie oftentimes removes her and gives her special attention. On this evening she was treated to her own chair at our outdoor picnic table and a heap of freshly caught salmon. The funny thing was that Alela and I, the entire night, thought that Suuzie was calling the chicken "Graveyard". We were kind of like, "Yeah no wonder she's an outcast!"

Although I must say "Grave Expectations" would be a pretty cool name....