Summer Thrift Scores

Ah, the thrifting life is certainly a rewarding one. Surprising, at times tedious, but always worth the effort. I recently scored both of these white lace dresses (thus adding to my ever growing collection of all things white lace) and this perfect stretchy belt and these wicked, witchy purple shoes (which will be for sale in the shop soon, but I can't say the same about the dresses! Or the belt).

I am so completely smitten with this doll. It's the clothes, of course. Such gorgeous embroidery! And the red skirt with lace! The apron, the bonnet! So Eastern European peasant. The stockings are fabulous too. And her face is so intricate and lovely. After considering a slew of other, really quite prettier, names I decided that I had to go with my heart and name her Maja Lisa, after a character in the novel Hanna's Daughters, which I just finished and is about about three generations of Scandinavian women.

The grandmotherly lady at the thrift store had a soft spot for little girls and gave this doll to us for only $3.

Here we have two of the most practical scores of the summer. This darling plaid apron for the hours and hours and hours (and hours and hours and hours...) of kitchen work (which I am not complaining about, I am finding that I am becoming more domestic by the day, and that having a couple of lovely aprons around adds an extra dimension of comfort and joy to the repetitive tasks). And this killer playhouse/tent that has sure gone a long way toward keeping my girl occupied in the last couple weeks! It was marked at $20 but, as I've mentioned before, the Salvation Army's in this area have the whackiest sales and on this day it was "anything with white in it half off", so we paid $10 (plus the price of me having to fend off another mama who was trying to move in on my score!).

And finally, a little preview of the beautiful new vintage that will be making its way into the shop later this week. I have been more selective in my shopping and trading lately and am really stoked on these pieces- each so unique and distinctive- and am very much looking forward to photographing them and sharing them with you all soon :-)