Pink, Pineapples, and a Previa

For months now Graham and I have been scheming up ways to get ourselves a second car. We have discussed at length the necessary evil of cars, devised one plan after another for the most easy and affordable way to be a All American Two Car Family, and stressed ourselves to the max trying to share the one we do have.

We have always only had one car, and it was pretty much okay because Graham worked at home a lot. But for the past few months he has had full time work outside the house, which means that me and the girl are sittin' at home a whole lot. Going. Crazy. And not getting much needed errands run.

But that all, wonderfully and unexpectedly, changed a few days ago when Graham's dad Frank called to tell us that he and his wife Annie had decided to give us their Toyota Previa! It was the most relieving news, a huge exhale escaping an almost disbelieving body.

My dad has had a Previa since I was in high school, and I have driven that thing up and down the 5 and all over this state, so I am very familiar with it. They are roomy, great for camping, safe in the snow, and overall quite dependable. And this one has less than 100,000 miles on it even though it is 16 years old. We are so lucky, and equally grateful and STOKED.

So here is Mycie on our first outing in the new car. She wore this sweet little pink dress that I had thrifted the day before, with large vest-like pockets and sweet little pineapple buttons. (Every old lady in town loved her). We went to the library and got some celebratory ice cream in Nevada City.

And as we were wandering around I noticed that the beautiful poster- designed by Stephanie of Elevation 49- for the Renegade Craft Fair is up in the large window of a vacant downtown building. Peep Sasha's recent blog and the Facebook Event Page for more info and, please, if you are nearby- join us there! (To sign up for a booth go here to the Miner's Foundry site).