Thanks Ladies! Hey Naomi! Vintage Bazaar!

I very much appreciate everyone who has mentioned me and/or my Cuckoo's Nest blog on their own blogs lately- Missa in A-Tisket, A-Tasket,  Andrea in And The Heart Spills, and Sasha in Tired And Inspired. I am also loving the comments that folks who were involved with the shop back in the day have been leaving. That post has gotten about 4 times as many hits as most of my posts do, and no story could deserve it more!

Also, Naomi won the Love is Now book giveaway, and it's now been a couple weeks since I posted that. If you are out there Naomi, please get in touch with me! I will wait until next Wednesday and then choose another winner :-)

Got some new pretties in the shop (some of which I never had time to post here, check the Etsy widget on left), and these are coming soon:

Aaaaaand, if you live in or near Sacramento- come to the Bespoked/Be Quiet Vintage Fashion Bazaar on Saturday! It's a family affair, I will be vending with Graham and Mycelia in tow. Check out this article, Style Saturday, on the Midtown Monthly blog (It mentions me! I'm famous!). Graham and I met while living in Sacramento and are looking forward to spending the day there.

My arm is still killing me from computer use, and I swear I can feel it in my reproductive organs too. It seems that so many of the ladies in my blogging friendship circle (BFS) and my friends on facebook have been writing about how they are feeling the ill effects of computer use in their bodies lately. Interesting. Everyone's also been writing about authenticity in blogging, and their want to post less about the cutesier parts of their lives and more about the real, the challenging, and the ugly. Which is awesome.

So, my blogging may be slowing down for a while. But I will continue to be present on Etsy and facebook and whatnot, though to a lesser extent as well.

Oh and BTW- Yay for summer!