Bunnyhenge: Festival Of The Rising Sun To Raise Awareness

This Saturday was the much anticipated Bunnyhenge, a one day music festival and camp out that Sasha of Astral Boutique and her husband Chris organized just in the last few weeks. They cleared weeds around their home for tent pitching, set up a stage, and coordinated musicians from Grass Valley/Nevada City, Sacramento, and the Bay Area.

Sasha, of course, looked amazing. And rocked the fuck out.

Cynthia with the disco ball while everyone is setting up.

Chris gets pumped, shows off the world recognized rock n' roll bunny ear hand gesture.

My outfit was heart themed.

Even the shirt!

Greg Moore of The Moore Brothers, who asked me "Do you think Sasha just dresses like this every day, doing work around the house and yard and stuff?" To which I replied "Yes."

And Thom Moore. Completion of The Moore Brothers. Best brothers in town.

Okay these folks. They are the owners of the land that Sasha and Chris live on. They themselves live in Arizona, and their son lives on the property and is the awesome "landlord". They visit once a year, and just happened to be coming this year during Bunnyhenge. Sasha was worried when she first learned that they were coming, but come to find out they were her biggest supporters. In fact, her expression here is a reaction to a $60 check they are presenting her with in support of Bunnyhenge. $60 because they are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary this year. After the music making got under way these octogenarians got up on stage and each made a speech, with her saying she was so happy to see the young people expressing their joy and sharing their creativity with the world, and him saying something along the lines of "We bought this land back in 1985 on the word of our son, and it sure is a fine piece of land..." There were tears in the eyes of many of us young people in the crowd.

Graham shows off the T shirts they had made.

Clothes rack in the woods- how Astral Boutique/Violet Folklore :-)

As usual, Sasha has it all taken care of.

Me and G hanging out with Holly and Neil, who left Nevada County in the fall to start a new life in Missoula and just happened to be visiting home when their best friends were throwing a crazy music festival.

The Dazzling Strangers prepare to kick things off.

And commence the kicking.

Jessica, Simon, and Kristen bask in the almost Solstice sunlight.

Neil wails.

Rex, Esme, Carabeth, and Jessica, who was wearing, I might add, a Violet Folklore dress :-)

Artemas and a man I don't know but who, like Artemas, has nice smile lines.

Watching Graham perform. (It was a chilly evening and I had brought plenty of layers. Luckily for those who didn't Sasha, of course, had tons of adorable sweaters and jackets. I kept complimenting people's outerwear later in the night, and inevitably they'd reply "It's Sasha's").

Graham performing.

Best dress of the night. In the picture above this one you can see me cozying up to this gorgeous woman in order to get the full story behind her fabulous outfit. The dress was scored at a Sacramento thrift store that folks are always telling me to go to (the SPCA one). Check her out at her band Thousands Facebook page.

The crowd from above.

Greg Moore, being the awesomest person ever, upstairs in the warm house.

The stage at night, with people dancing in front while Psychic Zoo plays.

Ariella Daly, one of my best girls, viewed from my relatively calm and restful spot up on the porch.

And this is my new friend Addison, from Sacramento. Addison works at the amazingly yummy, family-run-for-thirty-years, natural foods eatery Sunflower Cafe in Fair Oaks, California. They make the best nutburgers EVER and I haven't had one in like 7 years, but I think of them often. And guess what!? He had brought a bunch of them with him for the barbeque! As if he didn't endear himself to me enough by making sure I got one, he then topped off my Bunnyhenge experience by putting a pair of glasses on this stuffed bunny. We laughed our asses off.

So that's my tiny little slice of Bunnyhenge documentation. Sasha was a bit too busy taking care of everyone and dancing like a gypsy to take photos, but plenty of other folks did so hopefully she can use those to tell the whole story. There were lots more musical acts and people in attendance than I showed here.

Here's hoping this was the 1st Annual and that we get to do it all again next year!