Sunny Sunday in the Sun

Today we had a li'l celebration for Graham's birthday at the park in Nevada City. It was one of the first days around here that really felt like spring. I am exhausted from the weekend and am going to keep these photos in the alphabetical order in which they are already stored in my files...

Alela (visiting from Portland), Mycelia, and Juniper

Birthday boy & gin

Butterfly barrette


Flowers from Joe and Wendy (of In The Kitchen)

Food & friends


Jasbir (and her beloved scarf/wrap from Target, oh and Violet Folklore Gunne Sax skirt!)

Joe & Felix

Mamas (Dawn and baby Zeraphin, Wendy and baby Felix)

Mycelia Violet

The Team

Trista (mesmerizing the girls with her music)

Under the table

Vintage seersucker skirt (my favorite, bought last year at Crimson & Clover)

Zeraphin (AKA my boyfriend)

It was a lovely afternoon gathering, and a wonderful way to welcome back the sunshine and wish a Happy Birthday to my sweet lovin' man (Graham that is, not Zeraphin- his birthday party is next weekend!).