Party Time!

And here we go with photos from my Clothes Try On & Take Home Party on Thursday night...

Wendy and Ari say hello.

While Christie holds Wendy's darling baby Felix.

Ms. Ariella Daly models the princessiest of all Gunne Sax gowns.

Ari & Amanda scope the vintage scene.

Can I please win some sort of prize for taking the most adorable picture ever?

Jessica, Ari, and Amanda get their baby flirt on.

I think Christie wins the award for Most Fun (as usual).

Lily and sweet Cecilia (in an adorable pale yellow vintage dress) come to join the fun!

While the mamas shop, the babies get reacquainted.

Summer arrives direct from massage school, wearing these fabulous- and super comfy, they are the only heels I could traipse around all night long in- Miz Mooz shoes and the raddest socks ever!

Christie rocks my Minnie Mouse dress, but is afraid it is just too mousey.

The ladies assure her that it is adorable on her and not too mousey.

A sentiment which I then totally invalidate by getting Mycie's Minnie ears out for her.

Jasbir and Trista arrive (separately, but looking as though they have coordinated their outfits) in blue and white.

Jasbir looked amazing in this sweet floral prairie dress and, seeing as how she lives on an organic farm and tends to chickens and goats every day, we all felt that the dress was made for her.

Beverly contemplates the Gunne.

As most of the ladies leave, the rest of us gather for wine and chocolate (and home brewed beer brought by Wendy!) and laughter on my bedroom floor.

And more trying on clothes, of course! The red on the lower right here is a gorgeous long Gunne Sax skirt that Jasbir scored.

Summer and Jasbir get all mysterious.

Finally it was just me, Amanda, Summer, and Jessica looking at vintage online.

Amanda scored big time (even the sweater is new!). As did I, because instead of taking payment from her I am trading for massage and yoga classes!!!

And she's out.

I am so glad that Jasbir had the idea for this party. I will take any excuse to get together with my ladies, and trying on clothes is the perfect one!  And I am happy to have found another outlet for selling the clothes I constantly acquire. This is my only source of income and I am so happy that it (mostly) works out for my family.

Plus it brings me such joy to see the pieces I have cared for and loved being worn around town by my beautiful friends. Last night (which was the night after the party) Amanda was wearing a dress she got and the above sweater as she and Ari and I danced to the "cross pollinated gypsy music" of Fishtank Ensemble at an outdoor amphitheater on the North San Juan ridge. And afterward we headed to town to drink beer and watch karaoke at The National Hotel in Nevada City, where we hung out with Jessica, who was also wearing a new dress scored at the party!

I look forward to making this a monthly thing, and will certainly be documenting each party and sharing the fun with you all!