Sun, Nests, Picnics

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During the lifespan of Violet Folklore I have, from time to time, posed as Amber. Posting on the VF Facebook, Tweeting, and even replying to a few Etsy conversations. At the time, I thought I was helping - not having internet at the house, makes internet time an errand, rather than a household luxury. Amber, however, wasn't happy with this.  And she's right, it should be her that is updating her status regardless of who is the boss around here. Sarcasm aside, I was certainly surprised when Amber asked me to blog about the photos I took yesterday with the new camera (nikon d60, thank you very much). So here I am, with permission from yours truly. Also, I, over use commas, so please, try, not to get bothered, too much, as you read.

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Amber had gone out yesterday, which means I am supposed to act like the grown-up. But this doesn't work, actually. I've found the day works best, when juggling a toddler, if we avoid all responsibility, pack a lunch, and go and lay in a field somewhere outside drinking sunlight. So Mycie played the mom, I played the daughter and we did just that.

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Locked in the house all day can be torturous playing the same game for hours. But we spent a good three hours building a nest for an ever so fortunate bird who doesn't have one already. The bird got it plush too, Mycelia procured a pillow, a bed, a blanket, and even filled the fridge with an assortment of food, including a soup that she made. The soup made with celery, oranges, and stock would, according to mycelia, "be gross and slobby" if I added onions. But I'm the daughter, she's the momma, so...

The camera. The camera, is amazing. I have only started to fiddle with the settings, and upon optimizing them for the web, I still have so much to learn. Pretty good for a first photo shoot though, and minimal settings understood. Amber is, right now, at home with tripod in hand, taking photos of her lovely self. Let's hope we can see those tomorrow.

Till, I have my own blog,
