A Super Sunny Gunne Gift

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(Okay not to harp on my birthday here but it's all related, and Aquarius is still ruling right now so indulge me...)

Yesterday I received a birthday package from my dear internet friend Milla of The Girl Who Married A Bear. I certainly expected it to contain some lovely items (I mean, have you seen the girl's blog? Her wardrobe?), but I was in no way expecting an actual GUNNE SAX dress, complete with green velvet, a corset bodice, and a lovely layered skirt.

Thing is, I once sold Milla this Gunne Sax dress (which I absolutely adored modeling for my blog Ghosts, Miners, and Mandolins) for like $50 or something, and here she is gifting me one! What a sweetheart! Especially since Milla is such a Gunne lover herself. Check out this awesome blog she posted all about the history of the label.

I am wearing the dress right now as I type this at a little cafe in Nevada City, listening to one of the already released songs from Joanna Newsom's forthcoming album Have One On Me (inspired by Milla's mention of it on Facebook today).

And here is another pre release:

It's not surprising that girls, like Milla and I and so many of you, who look for beauty in everything- nature, vintage fabrics, art- love both Joanna Newsom's amazing music and lovely clothing. The few times I have run into Joanna around town we always keep our brief conversations to heart filled praise of each other's clothing "Oh girl your boots!" "Oh my goodness that jacket!" and I am quite sure that if Milla and I lived in the same town (sigh) we'd greet each other in the same manner whenever we ran into one another. Same goes for Missa of Thrift Candy, who also sent me a package bursting with goodies (that I will be blogging about soon) and, as I know I've mentioned here recently, with whom I share a birthday. But as things stand, I am happy just being able to check out my two Aquarian sisters (and so many more!) online.

That's part of the Aquarian Ideal: interacting with new and old friends using technology in a way that increases connections between people and emphasizes creativity and beauty and the sharing of love and gifts for the greater good of all (which is, of course, what happens when you send special dresses to people you've never met!).