Tahiti Pehrson Art Giveaway

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(Swinging Dress, 15x12, hand cut wood on an old piece of dresser complete with hand carved gems like "Cheryl hearts" and then it's all crossed out- ah the heartache)

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(California Bear, 11x9, hand cut paper on wood, carved ridges on bottom- for a better view click here)

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(White Mandala, 11x9, hand cut paper on wood, features authentic sawdust frozen on :-)

In honor of our recent photo shoot, featuring some of Tahiti's massive hand cut paper art pieces as backdrops, we'd thought we'd give away one of his (much, much) smaller pieces.

Which means... quiz time! Email me the correct answers to the questions below at VioletFolklore[at]Yahoo.com by Sunday evening. I will put everyone's name in a hat and randomly choose a winner for ONE of these beautiful pieces (winner's choice), to be announced Monday. All answers can easily be found using your savvy web navigation skills, which Graham has just made easier by adding a search feature and monthly archives over on the left column there. Savvy navvy skills y'all ;-)

1. Name one musical artist who Tahiti has done album cover art for, and give the title of the multi-layered piece Tahiti did that Graham and I modeled for.

2. Who built the cottage that me, Graham, and Mycelia live in?

3. At which large Northern California gathering did my former Violet Folklore partner Sasha and I have a wonderful time selling our clothes last spring?

4. And what kind of parade did we participate in last fall?

5. Which lovely Nevada City musician modeled for Violet Folklore on winter Solstice two years ago?

6. How many children did my great grandma give birth to?

7. Who gave me my favorite sweater?

8. I have explored the history of two common textile prints in the posts "The Goodness of _______" and "_______: Not Just the Patchouli of Fashion"

9. What famous name brand was the first piece we ever sold on Etsy?

10. In the last year, Violet Folklore has gone On Location for photo shoots at ______ Mine, The Great Republic of _____ and _____, and a beautiful wood that I refer to as the ________ Grove.

Happy Hunting & Wistful Winning Wishes to you!

Oh, and the two pieces that aren't chosen, along with some others, will be listed for sale in the shop next week!