Back In The Swing Of Things

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After taking most of the fall off- off of Violet Folklore, offline in general- in order to facilitate the moving of my family into the little cottage Graham built (which wasn't ready in time at all, causing lots of couch surfing and finally and unexpected month long stay for Mycelia and I with my mom out of town), I just need to express my happiness at being back! I am reconnecting with so many of the lovely girls who stole my heart through their beautiful photos and wicked style, and I am seriously feeling the love.

Thanks so much to Milla (above left) for including me in two of her recent posts- Anorak Twins (we have managed to thrift the exact same vintage R.E.I. jacket!) and her year end recap Simply The Best. I adore Milla's blog. She shares so much more than just what she's wearing (the girl is smart as all get out and has wide ranging interests), although what she's wearing always makes me wish that it was what I was wearing :-)

I have been stoked to catch up with Milla's life, and it gladdened my heart greatly to see that she and one of my other favorite blogging ladies Missa (on the right, with her lovely family) were able to meet up in person last fall. It's an awesome thing to see true friendships develop online, and theirs is one of the truest. Missa's blog was one of the ones that inspired me to start my own, I love it that she is the only other "indie fashion blogger" that I know of with a small daughter pulling at her vintage apron strings, *and* I feel a special kinship with her because we share a birthday (February 8th)!

I have been discovering and rediscovering so many other inspiring blogs and Filckr photostreams and whatnot lately, and I look forward to exploring more in the year to come as I continue to develop my own blog and online friendships. Thank you mycelial internet connectivity, and thank you to the many thousands of inspiring folks out there doing what they do and sharing it with the world!